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July 2024

Jul 10

Session Recording service - APS control plane


     Now Available
Session Recording
Session Recording service is now available for all Citrix DaaS offerings with capabilities of centralized management of policies, playback, and server configurations. It eases the burden on IT administrators by providing a unified entry point to manage and observe the distributed objects across your organization.
Jul 10

Session Recording service - EU control plane


     Now Available
Session Recording
Session Recording service is now available for all Citrix DaaS offerings with capabilities of centralized management of policies, playback, and server configurations. It eases the burden on IT administrators by providing a unified entry point to manage and observe the distributed objects across your organization.
Jul 08

Support for updating existing MCS provisioned machines in VMware environments


Citrix Provisioning
In VMware environments, previously, you could only change the configuration of an existing machine catalog. The changes did not apply to existing VMs. With this feature, you can now apply the updated configuration to the existing VMs.
Jul 08

Enable changing MCS provisioned VM size on Azure


     In Development
Citrix Provisioning
Using Full Configuration, you can now change the size of MCS-provisioned VMs in Azure environments. The feature applies to both persistent VMs and non-persistent VMs.
Jul 05

MCS support for assigning drive letter for MCSIO WBC disk


Citrix Provisioning
This feature enables you to assign a drive letter for MCSIO WBC disk.
Jul 03

Service Principals to replace Secure Clients for Citrix Cloud Automation


     In Development
Platform - IAM
The Service Principal feature will replace Secure Client usage for Citrix Cloud automation.