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April 2024

Apr 26

Enforce a minimum OS version


Citrix Endpoint Management
With iOS 17, MDMs can now enforce a minimum operating system version on enrolling devices when using Automated Device Enrollment.
Apr 24

CVAD 2402 VDA is now available via VDA Upgrade Service!


     Now Available
Virtual Delivery Agent
CVAD 2402 VDA is now available in VDA Upgrade Service under the CR track. Try it today!
Apr 24

Access Secure Mail from user's personal profile


     Now Available
Citrix Endpoint Management
Users can now seamlessly switch to Secure Mail in their work profile right from their personal profile.
Apr 16

View summary of configured settings


     Now Available
Citrix Workspace app - Global App Configuration Service
Admins can now view a summary of the current configuration by clicking the View configured settings button.
Apr 16

Support for Client App Management


     Now Available
Citrix Workspace app - Global App Configuration Service
Citrix Workspace app offers Client App Management capability that makes the Citrix Workspace app a single client app required on the end point to install and manage agents such as Secure Access Agent, End Point Analysis (EPA) plug-in and 3rd party agents like Zoom and Webex.
Apr 12

Support for using shared images from other tenants to create Azure machine catalogs


     Now Available
Citrix Provisioning
When creating Azure catalogs in the Full Configuration interface, you can select shared images from other tenants (shared through the Azure Compute Gallery). This feature requires that you provide shared tenant and subscription information for associated host connections.
Apr 09

Triage of ended and disconnected sessions up to 48 hrs


     In Development
Director/Monitor Console
With the feature, Citrix Director/Monitor will allow administrators to find ended sessions from the last 48 hours to extend troubleshooting beyond active sessions.
Apr 04

CVAD LTSR 2203 CU4 Update 1 VDA is now available with VDA Upgrade Service


     Now Available
Virtual Delivery Agent
CVAD LTSR 2203 CU4 Update 1 VDA is now available with VDA Upgrade Service
Apr 04

User Layers/UPL disk space reclamation


     Now Available


     Now Available


Citrix Provisioning
New in App Layering 2403, for User Layers and CVAD User Personalization Layer, this feature allows admins to reclaim unused disk space and compact the user layer VHDx files.
Apr 01

App Layering Windows file share connector


     Now Available
Citrix Provisioning
New in App Layering 2403, a connector type that enhances support for publishing layered images to a Windows file share.