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October 2024

Oct 07

Backup and Restore in Full Configuration console


     In Development
Delivery Controller/Broker
Using the Full Configuration management console, global administrators can now save and restore current configurations.
Oct 04

Auto Update of Optional apps


     Now Available
Citrix Endpoint Management
A new server property named apple.ios.optional_app_update is introduced. This property allows you to auto-update the optional apps in iOS. For more information, see https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/xenmobile/server/advanced-concepts/xenmobile-deployment/server-properties. 

September 2024

Sep 30

Support for VDA Upgrades from a Local File Share


     Now Available
Virtual Delivery Agent
Trigger VDA upgrades from a local file share rather than Citrix Cloud using the VDA Upgrade Service.  
Sep 30

Support Managed Configuration Feedback Loop


     In Preview
Citrix Endpoint Management
The Manage Configuration Feedback feature allows administrators to obtain feedback on app states from Android devices that are configured with managed configuration policies. This feedback can be used to monitor the effectiveness and status of these policies. For more information, see https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/citrix-endpoint-management/device-management/android/support-manage-configuration-feedback 
Sep 13

Enhanced built-in Connectivity Check tool for Cloud Connectors


Platform - Cloud Connectors
To enhance the troubleshooting process of Cloud Connectors, we will merge the standalone connectivity check tool into the built-in tool available with all connector installations.
Sep 03

IPS integration of Citrix Optimizer


     In Development
Citrix Provisioning
This enhancement will add a new optional parameter when running Image Portability Service jobs that will run Citrix Optimizer within the image during preparation for the target platform. This will further simplify and automate the process when using IPS to migrate images between on-prem and cloud Resource Locations.

August 2024

Aug 30

Check for host sizing during Cloud Connector installation


Platform - Cloud Connectors
With the new update, the Cloud Connector installer provides a warning when the host Windows machine is undersized for Local Host Cache mode operation. However, this warning does not prevent the installation if the connector is used only for specific functions, such as AD connectivity. 
Aug 30

Support for Connector Appliance in Citrix Cloud Gov Environment


     In Development
Platform - Connector Appliance
Bringing Connector Appliance support for Citrix Cloud Gov control plane environment, providing benefits such as AD multi-domain connectivity.  
Aug 30

Automatic packet capture on Cloud Connector connectivity checks


Platform - Cloud Connectors
With this update, the Cloud Connector's built-in connectivity check tool will now capture packet traces during its checks. This enhancement makes the diagnosing connectivity issues much easier by eliminating the need to install extra and high-privilege software on the host.
Aug 30

Account Name change and Account Logo changes now write to System Log


     Now Available
Platform - System Logs
Previously, no log entries were written when a Citrix Cloud admin changed the "Account name" or "Logo" fields in Home/Account settings/Account details. With this enhancement, both change types generate log entries that are written to Home/System Log.