April 2023
Apr 12
Support email notifications in Session Recording service
In DevelopmentSession Recording
In Development
The Session Recording service lets you subscribe to email notifications to notify specific recipients about resource usage alerts, server status changes, and the results of automated tasks for archiving and deleting recordings.
Apr 11
CrowdStrike Integration with Device Posture
ReleasingDevice Posture Service
This feature grants the ability to check end user's device posture using Endpoint Protection via CrowdStrike. This information can be used to provide Contextual access into Citrix Workspace.
Apr 10
Configure Citrix policies using APIs
In DevelopmentDelivery Controller/Broker
In Development
API to manage Citrix Policies
Apr 10
Application discovery
Now AvailableCitrix Secure Private Access
Now Available
Application discovery feature helps an admin get visibility into the internal private applications such as web apps and client server apps (TCP and UDP based apps) in their organization and the users accessing those applications.
Apr 06
Always On ZTNA for Windows
In PreviewCitrix Secure Private Access
In Preview
The integration of the Always on ZTNA before Windows Logon feature for Secure Private Access service establishes pre-logon connectivity for the Secure Private Access users before they log on to the machine.
Apr 03
Role Scope pair updates for Admin page
Now AvailablePlatform - IAM
Now Available
Selecting role/scope pairs in Identity and Access Management will be redesigned to improve console performance and enhance efficiency when assigning administrator permissions in Citrix Cloud.
Apr 03
Access to Partner license usage data for Distributors via API
ReleasingCitrix Service ProvidersPlatform - Licensing
Distributors will be able to access license usage data for all their partners through the Citrix Cloud API to help with reviewing and validating partner usage reports.
Apr 03
EDT Lossy protocol support for Citrix Gateway Service
In PreviewCitrix Gateway Service
In Preview
Citrix Gateway service now supports Loss tolerant mode (preview), which uses EDT Lossy transport protocol to enhance the end-user audio experience for users connecting through networks with high latency and packet loss.
March 2023
Mar 24
Tenant support in Full Configuration
Now AvailableDelivery Controller/Broker
Now Available
You can now create configuration partitions within a single Citrix DaaS instance. You achieve that by creating tenant scopes in Administrators > Scopes and associating related configuration objects, such as machine catalogs and delivery groups, with those tenants. As a result, administrators with access to a tenant can manage only objects that are associated with the tenant. This feature is useful, for example, if your organization has independent divisions or separate IT management teams. Also, the Full Configuration interface lets you filter tenant customers by name. By default, the interface displays information about all tenants.
Mar 22
MCS reports a list of possible leaked resources on Azure
Now AvailableCitrix Provisioning and App Layering
Now Available
With this feature, MCS provides new PoSH commands to list leaked resources that are created by MCS, but are no longer used by MCS on Azure.