October 2023
Oct 12
Change admin email in Citrix Cloud
Now AvailablePlatform - IAM
Now Available
Citrix Cloud administrators can change their email address from their "My profile" page in Citrix Cloud.
Oct 12
Enable CMEK for a Citrix Provisioning catalog created by MCS on Azure
ReleasingCitrix Provisioning
In Azure environments, you can now enable customer-managed encryption-keys (CMEK) for Citrix Provisioning catalogs created by MCS.
Oct 12
OS and app version device posture check
Now AvailableCitrix Workspace app - iOS
Now Available
Citrix Workspace app for iOS supports device posture check for the operating system (OS) and app version. This prevents users from signing in to Citrix Workspace app if their OS and app versions don’t match the required versions.
Oct 12
Auto configure stores using Unified Endpoint Management solutions
Now AvailableCitrix Workspace app - iOS
Now Available
Citrix Workspace app for iOS now supports remote configuration of your store URL using the Unified Endpoint Management solutions. As an administrator, you can manage store URLs remotely for managed iOS devices using AppConfig-based key-value pairs.
Oct 07
MCS Support for provisioning Hybrid Azure AD join catalog
Now AvailableCitrix Provisioning
Now Available
In Full Configuration, when you create a catalog, a Hybrid Azure Active Directory joined identity type, is now available in Machine Identities. With that identity type, you can use MCS to create hybrid Azure Active Directory joined machines. Those machines are owned by an organization and signed into with an Active Directory Domain Services account that belongs to that organization.
Oct 06
Include the Citrix Cloud Azure AD application to the Azure AD App Gallery
In DevelopmentPlatform - IAM
In Development
Allows Administrators to add the Citrix Cloud Azure AD application and consent to the permissions directly from Azure instead of initiating the flow within Citrix Cloud.
Oct 03
Replacing the MSIX version of Citrix Workspace app with the Win32 version in the Microsoft Store
Now AvailableCitrix Workspace app - Windows
Now Available
Starting with Citrix Workspace app version 2305.1 for Windows, the MSIX version of Citrix Workspace app is replaced with the Win32 version of Citrix Workspace app in the Microsoft Store. For information on features that are supported in Citrix Workspace app version 2305.1, see About this release.
September 2023
Sep 28
OS Layer switching for Elastic App Layers
Now AvailableCitrix Provisioning
Now Available
New in App Layering 2309, it is now possible to assign apps elastically to users logging into images running a different OS from the one used to create the app layer. OS layer switching allows you even more flexibility when delivering applications to only the users or groups who require them.
Sep 28
App Layering XenServer connector modern UI and offload compositing
Now AvailableCitrix Provisioning
Now Available
New in App Layering 2309, the XenServer platform connector has a brand-new UI experience and offload compositing support.
Sep 28
Citrix Endpoint Management is ready for Day 0 support for Android 14
Now AvailableCitrix Endpoint Management
Now Available
Citrix Endpoint Management along with the Mobile Productivity Apps is ready for Day 0 support for Android 14. We are committed to ensuring customers can upgrade to new OS releases immediately, without worrying about performance and compatibility.