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August 2023

Aug 08

Enable snapshot on AWS persistent VM and choose snapshot to restore


    In Development
Citrix Provisioning
With this feature, admin can take snapshot of AWS persistent VM.  The snapshot will consist both disk content and VM configuration content, and the snapshot can be used to restore later
Aug 08

Advanced Probe Scheduling


    Now Available
Director/Monitor Console
Improved scheduling of Application and Desktop Probes can now be done from Monitor. Using this feature, Citrix Probe Agent can be configured to run the probe tasks on specific days of the week and repeated at specified intervals during the day. This allows you to schedule a single probe task to repeat at specific times of the day and the week. You can now proactively check your site health with probes set to run regularly at suitable times. This feature simplifies probe setup and management in Monitor. For more information, see Application Probing and Desktop Probing.
Aug 08

Search Session Diagnostics with user name


    Now Available
Director/Monitor Console
This feature enables the use of Session Launch Diagnostics starting with the user name if you don’t have the transaction ID. This feature is specifically useful for help desk administrators to triage a failed session if the end user hasn’t captured the transaction id. You can search for a user name, and select a session to triage from a list of failed sessions that the user attempted to launch over the last 48 hours. The Session Launch Diagnostics page shows the details of the failed session. It lists the exact component and stage where the failure occurred. For more information, see the Session Launch Diagnostics article.
Aug 08

Access Citrix Analytics for Performance - Session Details from Monitor.


    Now Available
Director/Monitor Console
The Session Details page from Citrix Analytics for Performance is now integrated in Monitor. Click View Session Timeline in the Sessions page in Monitor to view the Sessions Details page from Citrix Analytics for Performance within Monitor.
Aug 07

Support for changing configuration on each persistent VM


Citrix Provisioning
With this feature, you can now change the configurations specific to an individual persistent VM such as VM size, which will overwrite catalog level configuration.
Aug 07

Repair AD domain trust lost


Citrix Provisioning
Currently, if a VM loses AD domain trust, you can delete, recreate, or rejoin the VM manually. With this feature, you can repair AD domain trust through a PowerShell command. This implementation is applicable to both persistent and non-persistent machine catalogs.
Aug 07

Ability to reset the OS disk of a persistent Citrix Hypervisor VM in an MCS created machine catalog


    Now Available
Citrix Provisioning
With this feature, when you power off a persistent Citrix Hypervisor VM and put the VM in maintenance mode, you can request to reset the OS disk.
Aug 07

Ability to reset the OS disk of a persistent VM in Google Cloud environment


    Now Available
Citrix Provisioning
With this feature, in Google Cloud virtualization environments, you can now reset the OS disk of a persistent VM to the latest master image in an MCS created machine catalog.
Aug 07

MCS enables Azure API requests to tunnel through Citrix Cloud Connector


    Now Available
Citrix Provisioning
This feature enables API requests to tunnel through the Citrix Cloud Connector instead of going directly to the Azure public endpoint.
Aug 07

Support for using instance template as an input for machine profile in Google Cloud


    Now Available
Citrix Provisioning
With this feature, you can now use an instance template as machine profile input, in addition to VM and OS disk.