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February 2023

Feb 22

Open work links via the Citrix Enterprise Browser


    Now Available
Citrix Workspace app - Citrix Enterprise BrowserCitrix Workspace app - macOSCitrix Workspace app - Windows
This feature ensures that links that were configured for end-user to be opened via Citrix Workspace Browser are opened through this designated browser despite the point of origination (i.e. native app link).
Feb 22

Browser Management for the Citrix Enterprise Browser


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Citrix Workspace app - Citrix Enterprise BrowserCitrix Workspace app - macOSCitrix Workspace app - Windows
This feature will help offer our users more control over the browsing solution through a a Citrix solution - Global App Configuration Service.
Feb 22

Adaptive Access Based on Network Location Rules


Citrix Adaptive Authentication Service
This feature grants the ability to categorize user traffic as internal or external. These location tags will grant contextual access for DaaS and SPA.
Feb 22

FIDO2 Support


    In Preview
Citrix Workspace app - Android
Users will have the ability to have an easier login experience to the Workspace app and virtual sessions via biometrics, mobile devices and/or FIDO security keys.
Feb 21

CWA Version Check on iOS


Device Posture Service
Device Posture Service can now verify the version of CWA (Citrix Workspace App) on iOS platform.
Feb 21

Support for Multiple Virtual Sessions


    In Development
Citrix Workspace app - Android
Android Workspace app users will be supported for a multi-window approach where sessions will have the ability to open as a separate window. Users will also have the ability to extend sessions on displays and switch between sessions.
Feb 21

DPI Matching


    In Preview
Citrix Workspace app - Android
The DPI matching feature ensures that the DPI scaling setting present in a remote desktop matches your device’s DPI setting.
Feb 21

App Protection for Workspace app


    In Development
Citrix Workspace app - Android
App Protection will be made available for the Workspace Android app
Feb 21

Insider threat and Data exfiltration monitoring with VDI insession clipboard events


    In Preview
Citrix Analytics - Security
Citrix Analytics for Security now allows aggregation, reporting and export of clipboard place events (movement of clipboard data from Session to endpoints) in Citrix Apps and Desktops. These clipboard logs provide vital information from proprietary Citrix protocols (HDX) and admin visibility into any Data exfiltration risks across VDI environments.
Feb 16

Support for scheduling and cancelling configuration update in Azure


    Now Available
Citrix Provisioning
With this feature, you can now specify a time slot to schedule a configuration update. To do this, you can use the PowerShell command Schedule-ProvVmUpdate.