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November 2022

Nov 01

Session Recording service has reached General Availability


     Now Available
Session Recording
Citrix Session Recording service has reached General Availability! The introduction of the Session Recording service provides an advanced administration experience and simplifies deployment. It supports centralized management of server settings, policies, and playback. It facilitates administrative tasks by providing a unified entry point to manage and observe the Session Recording servers across your organization. Onboarding an existing 1912 LTSR deployment is also supported so that you don't have to upgrade to 2203 or later.

October 2022

Oct 31

Connector Appliance availability in Google Cloud Marketplace


     Now Available
Platform - Connector Appliance
Until now, Citrix provided a disk image and accompanying script to support deploying the Connector Appliance in cloud services. With this change the Connector Appliance will be available within the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) marketplace and deployed directly without the need for a script.
Oct 28

New permission for Customer Dashboard


    Now Available
Citrix Service Providers
CSPs have a new permission to control which administrators can view information in the customer dashboard. This permission allows CSPs to show or hide the customer dashboard for custom access administrators. Only full access administrators can add new customers.
Oct 19

VDI Insider threat Monitoring with SIEM Data Source events export


    Now Available
Citrix Analytics - Security
VDI Insider threat Monitoring with SIEM Data Source events export You can now leverage the new Data Source events export workflow to export data source events in addition to the Risk Insights events. This enables Security and Security operations (SOC) admins to correlate data from Citrix VDI with organization’s networks, servers, endpoints and other digital assets, on SIEMs.  
Oct 18

Allow administrator to run dynamic session recording action on Citrix DaaS sites


    Now Available
Citrix Analytics - Security
Allow administrator to run dynamic session recording action on Citrix DaaS sites Administrators can now run dynamic session recording actions on Citrix DaaS sites and dynamically record users' virtual sessions. They can configure the action with a policy to automatically start recording user sessions in case of a risky activity by a given user gets detected by Citrix Analytics for Security.
Oct 14

Improved automatic update experience on Mac with Apple Silicon (M1 Series)


    Now Available
Citrix Workspace app - macOS
Starting with this release, when you download the Universal Architecture build, you have the option to select between the Apple Silicon and Intel builds to support both, the Apple Silicon and Intel based Mac machines.
Oct 14

Admin feedback for Risk indicators occurrences


    Now Available
Citrix Analytics - Security
Admin feedback for Risk indicators occurrences Citrix Analytics for Security administrators can now report user risk indicators as helpful or not helpful by providing feedback on the indicators details panel. This feature enables administrators to report false positives, reduce noise for frequently triggered indicators, and share additional context with other administrators.
Oct 13

Workspace apps appear in the Dock with native app icons when opened


    In Preview
Citrix Workspace app - macOS
Previously, clicking virtual apps in the Citrix Workspace app triggered the Citrix Viewer where these apps would be available. If you open many apps, the apps or its instances opened in the Citrix Viewer. You can view the open apps by right-clicking the Citrix Viewer icon.
Oct 10

Support for machine catalog creation using an image from a different subscription in Azure


    Now Available
Citrix Provisioning
To create a machine catalog, you can now use an image shared by an another subscription in Azure environments.
Oct 06

Support for service continuity with Safari


    In Preview
Citrix Workspace app - macOSWorkspace Platform
The Citrix Workspace service continuity feature is now supported for the Safari browser. Users must install Citrix Workspace app for Mac and the Citrix Workspace web extension.