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    Now Available
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April 2022

Apr 14

Zombie Insights and Alerts


     Now Available
Citrix Analytics - Performance
The Zombie Sessions sub-pane shows information on session failures that have occurred due to zombie sessions in the environment. 
Apr 08

Session launch diagnostics for Citrix DaaS


    In Preview
Director/Monitor Console
Session launch diagnostics (technical preview) helps IT admins understand session launch failures. You can track and report each session failure independently, and use the comprehensive library of error codes to understand the errors and apply the remediation steps.
Apr 06

Image Management in Studio - Image Portability


    In Development
Citrix Provisioning
A new Studio UI experience where customers can build an inventory of their Citrix master catalog images.
Apr 05

Secure Workspace Access is renamed to Secure Private Access


    Now Available
Citrix Analytics - Security
On the Analytics dashboards and reports, all the Secure Workspace Access labels are now updated as Secure Private Access to align with the rebranded product name.
Apr 02

Cloud Connector support for Windows Server 2022


    Now Available
Platform - Cloud Connectors
Citrix Cloud Connector is now supported on Microsoft Windows Server 2022.

March 2022

Mar 31

Session Recording service - US control plane


     Now Available
Session Recording
Session Recording service is now available for all Citrix DaaS offerings with capabilities of centralized management of policies, playback, and server configurations. It eases the burden on IT administrators by providing a unified entry point to manage and observe the distributed objects across your organization.
Mar 30

System Log for Citrix Cloud


    Now Available
Platform - System Logs
System Log captures a range of events that occur within the Citrix Cloud platform and support services. Events can be exported to CSV and retrieved using the SystemLog API.
Mar 22

Remove inactive devices from Citrix Endpoint Management console automatically


    Now Available
Citrix Endpoint Management
With this feature, inactive devices will be automatically removed from the Citrix Endpoint Management console.
Mar 21

Gateway Service Licensing - Bandwidth used per user


    Now Available
Platform - Licensing
Licensing for Gateway service now displays the amount of bandwidth used for each user. Administrators can see at a glance which users are using the most bandwidth across all Gateway service entitlements. Bandwidth usage for a specific user persists even when the license for that user has been released. 
Mar 14

Support for rejecting non-existing custom properties in Azure environments


    Now Available
Citrix Provisioning
Custom property of New-ProvScheme or Set-ProvScheme is a string field. If you specify non-existing custom property or properties, you get an error message. This will help you to avoid potential confusion when custom property input does not take effect.